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字体: | 打印 发布: 2009-11-06 13:48 作者: duan 来源:未知 查看:
  Although 'This Is It' set new records, its domestic ticket sales fell below some Hollywood expectations. The film grossed just over $32.5 million at the domestic box office, according to studio estimates, while it made an estimated $68.5 million internationally during the same period. The disparity may owe in part to a cultural difference: U.S. audiences have long had a mixed response to Mr. Jackson, who was acquitted in a 2005 child sexual-abuse trial, while his brand weathered that scandal and others better abroad.
  Despite perceptions of softness at the domestic box office, Mr. Bruer says that 'This Is It' performed in line with studio expectations for North America and outpaced them internationally. 'Quite frankly, it absolutely performed within the realm of our expectations domestically,' he says, noting that the studio first projected the movie would open domestically in the range of $30 million to $40 million.
  Sony announced on Sunday that, based on the strong performance of the film, it would extend the limited two-week run for 'This Is It' for three more weeks in domestic theaters, through Thanksgiving weekend. Internationally, the studio will extend the movie on a 'territory-by-territory basis,' says Mr. Bruer, likely ranging from one week to three weeks in most territories.




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